Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Candy Cane Gram Results Are In

So, all in all the fundraiser was a success. As I'm sure many of you noticed, we sold so many on Thursday (the last day) that we ran out of pre-made cards by the end of A lunch and ended up having people decorate them as they wrote them out. We sold about 200 that last day.

What that means is that when it came time to using the funds to buy the art supplies to fill the gift bags, we had enough money to put a pack of crayons, watercolors, and colored pencils in each bag, as well as a coloring book or a pad of paper. We had about $30 left over after this, so that is our overall profit. To whoever leads next year - do this fundraiser again. It profits well. But we weren't really prepared, because we had no idea how many cards we would need. Next year, I would start after Thanksgiving.

Today (12/22/2010), I took them to a shelter on Michigan Avenue called Lutheran Social Services of Michigan. We had originally intended to take them to a shelter in Pontiac, but the day that we were supposed to go, Ms. Altman had to cancel because her furnace broke, and the bags were left with me. And there was no way I was driving to Pontiac on my own. Besides, homeless kids are homeless kids. The ones at the first shelter are no worse off than the ones in the shelter I ended up going to.

So all in all, we made 20 bags, and made at least 20 children have a better Christmas. Thank you to all who donated your time and money, especially Kaitlyn Kmet and her friends, who donated some supplies, and Tejas, Brandon, Dan, Andrea, Dani, Breanna, Robert, Carmen, and Paulina. If there's anyone I'm missing (I don't know who sat at the table during B lunch, for example), you are not forgotten.


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